Saturday, June 26, 2010

Calling All Tutors!

Hey! You all have great stories to tell. Please share your successes, mishaps, and annecdotes with others. Project: LEARN is all about people connecting. We use the tutor/student relationship as the basis of our connections but that relationship leads to all kinds of shared joys and adventures. Tell your stories and share them with other tutors. Have your students tell of a memorable experience and make blogging your lesson of the day. Let's fill this blog with all the great stories of Project: LEARN in Medina County.

1 comment:

  1. I came to Project:LEARN to improve my English.
    When I came from Russia ten years ago, I could hardly speak English.
    I didn't have enough time or money to study English in college. I tried to learn it myself,
    but no one would check my pronunciation and spelling and correct my mistakes.
    We have wonderful tutors and staff at Project:LEARN.
    They are very helpful.
    Joanne and Pete teach us English grammar. We receive a lot of attention.
    There are two or three students in the class.
    With my personal tutor, Cindy, we became good friends.
    I really enjoy working with all of them.
    After coming to Project:LEARN for two years, I see a big difference in my speech.
    I am more confident with speaking to people. Improving my English helps with my business.
    I am really grateful to Project:LEARN and all the people who volunteer to help us.

